Through multi-day intensive events, EMERGE 29:11 helps individuals learn to embrace—rather than fear—the critical tool of discipleship. These events are led by EMERGE 29:11 Executive Director Rev. Terry Tieman, who has facilitated countless discipleship seminars and workshops. Through his experiences and working with others, Pastor Tieman has developed a simple yet effective way of teaching people how to share their faith. The weekend of learning, typically done at and through a church, demonstrates what it looks like to be a disciple and trains others to do the same. At the end of the weekend event, Pastor Tieman leads those who are ready on a “field trip” into the community where he models how to disciple and gives others a first-hand opportunity to do likewise. This hands-on approach is designed to alleviate any fear or apprehension while allowing the new “disciple-maker” to learn and receive coaching from Pastor Tieman.